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Our respite ministry, 'Companion Care,' supports caregivers by giving them an opportunity to take a 2-hour break from their caregiving duties once a month. It also benefits their care recipients and other community members who wish to join the facilitated group activities, offering them an engaging break filled with joy, laughter, brain-stimulating activities, and companionship.

Everyone is welcome to join us as long as they can walk independently or with the help of a cane or walker, manage their restroom needs on their own, engage in social activities, and feed themselves as coffee and tea will be available.

For those seeking respite with Companion Care for the first time, we encourage you to stay with the group when you bring your loved one. This will allow you to experience the environment firsthand, while ensuring your loved one is introduced to the group with you close by for their comfort and familiarity.

We look forward to seeing you on the 3rd Monday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.